ATVing in Ontario on Haliburton ATV Club trails


THIS WEBSITE "" provides detailed information about the extensive trail system on the East Side of Haliburton County. These ATV trails are mostly Crown land, but also encompass two separate rail trails, one running north-south, and the other east-west. Not only are there hundreds of kilometres of ATV trails in this part of Haliburton County, but these trails connect with the Bancroft EOTA ATV trails to the east and the Kawartha ATV Association ATV trails to the south, including the immensely popular 5-Points Trail System.



Silver Maple Motel-(705 457-2607) 12 motel rooms, free WiFi, air conditioning, trailer parking.

KENS ATV KOTTAGES- (705 457-0792) ( - large and small cottages; maps and trail directions / suggestions provided; truck,trailer,bike parking; pressure washer, repair garage, WiFi, beach, dock.

FUEL / TIRE REPAIR: Gregg’s XTR, gas, oil, ATV tire repairs, sales; Independent Gas Bar.

RESTAURANTS: Tim Hortons, Maple Ave Grill, Kozy Korners, Subway, 2/4/1 Pizza, McKecks Sports Bar.

GROCERIES, BEER / LIQUOR: Independent Grocery; Foodland Grocery: Beer Store; LCBO.

ATV SERVICE: RPM Marina- ATV sales, service, accessories; NAPA- bike parts, accessories.


The famous Haliburton / Victoria rail trail runs all the way from Haliburton, through Kinmount and Fenelon Falls, and ends right in Lindsay in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

Running east off the rail trail at a point about 3 1/2 km from the trail head in Haliburton, is the first of many trail branches. This trail includes some hillbilly-type road running, but consists mostly of very serious and challenging deep-woods adventure. After about 12 kms of skidplate bashing and mud-slinging, riders come to a trail intersection providing the option of the "winch-only" goat trail, or just more of the same basic deep-woods adventure. The only way to the top of the rock face at the end of the goat trail is by winching, preferably with a couple of buddies pushing and guiding, so that the bike doesn't slip off the rocks into the beaver pond. Winch and stamina required...compass or GPS, waders, and some winching experience recommended.

Another 4 km south on the rail trail is a second branch leading to the same massive tract of Crown land. Either of these trails take riders to some of the gnarliest 4WD, 'winch only' ATV trails in Haliburton County, (and beyond,) including the infamous GREENS MOUNTAIN.

About 10 km further down the railtrail from Haliburton is the beginning of another ATV trail system named after the lake that this trail system accesses. These are the Miserable Lake trails. Although after a good rain, these trails can be pretty "miserable," they can be very challenging at the best of times...very rocky, and provide a good upper-body workout. Good physical condition required. A highlight of these trails is a very pleasant look-out over the lake, a great spot for a snack break. If ridden slowly, two-up riding is possible on these trails.

All three of the above trail systems are connected via a wide variety of trail types, making possible more than enough distinct trail loops for 3 or 4 days riding with no trailering. The printable map above shows some of these trails, including GPS co-ordinates of significant trail intersections and trailheads.

Especially in the spring and late fall, many of these trails can provide days of gruelling adventure, complete with sunken logs and marvellous muck. During the summer months when the rail trail can become unpleasantly dusty, most of these Crown land trails can be ridden winchless, and with minimal dust factor.

The grandaddy of all Crown land trail systems in Ontario is the Five Points Trail System. There are literally hundreds of square miles of every kind of trail imaginable within this system. Canada's most famous annual off-road competition, the legendary Corduroy Enduro, which draws professional enduro motorcycle riders from all over North America has used this vast tract of Canadian Shield wilderness every September for over fifty years to challenge the world's best off-road riders.
4wd and sturdy riding gear including waterproof boots are a prerequisite for 5-Points ATVers...a trail map, GPS,and extra fuel recommended! For specific info on the 5-Pts, or to join a Club ride in the area, visit the Kawartha ATV Association website, or contact one of the Kawartha ATV Association directors.

GREEN'S MOUNTAIN Who wants to be the king of the mountain? Green's mountain has destroyed more Jeeps and ATVs (and egos) than any other climb in Ontario. Riders who make it to the top of Green's are rewarded by a breathtaking view of some of Ontario's most rugged Canadian Shield topography. The summit of Green's is an amazing spot for a lunch break. And you'll need the rest, because the descent is just as challenging as the climb. This trail is not for the faint-of-heart, This is a "use at your own peril" Crown land battle against nature! Good tires, reliable bike, and good brakes required...Tekvest, full-face helmet, and life insurance policy recommended!